We encourage children to learn in an engaging way!

Preschool education

Our gymnasium is committed to providing quality education from an early age. We believe that childhood is the most important stage in a person’s life, so we pay special attention to preschool education. At this stage, we encourage children to learn through play, participating in projects, and exploration. Our teachers are caregivers who closely observe the needs of children and create a supportive environment for their creativity and learning.

Preschool education at our gymnasium tends to engage in community activities. Our children attend music and art classes and also have the opportunity to participate in sports clubs. We strive to create a pleasant environment where children can play and learn together with their friends.

Primary and secondary education

As children reach the primary and secondary learning stages, our goal is to provide them with a strong foundation necessary for further education. Our teachers are prepared to help children acquire knowledge and skills in various areas, starting from language and mathematics lessons to natural and social science lessons.

Our teaching is based on active participation and experiential learning. We encourage children to participate in projects, experiment, and explore so that they can learn to apply their knowledge practically. Our aim is to ensure that our students remain motivated, interested, and ready to reach their full potential.

Secondary and informal education

Our gymnasium also provides secondary and informal education. Our goal is to ensure that our students have all the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully pursue higher education and achieve their career goals.

Our teachers make every effort to prepare students for higher education and life after school in the best possible conditions. We also organize informal education where students can improve their skills and gain valuable practical knowledge. Our goal is to educate a well-rounded individual who can trust themselves and achieve their goals.